
  • Every Home Needs a Bit of Canadiana

    Went for a long walk this afternoon… started up on Bloor Street then ambled all the way down Yonge.  And look:march 8 2009


    HOW perfect are these shoes for me?  They’re by DSquared2, one of our country’s premiere designers.  And that photo on the right is the latest, and my favorite, addition to my Canadian postcard collection.  It’s made by Hotzee, a Canadian company which I’ve added to my “to visit” list.  I’ve got to hang a few more up then I’ll post a photo of them all.  

    Okay, a confession here… I have zero resistance when it comes to buying tacky souvenirs, always have.  And I really lose it in truck stops.  During my cross country trip it’ll be tough, I know it.  

    I’m gonna have to start holding contests, “Hey!  Enter to win all these precious things I’ve collected!”.  I did exercise some restraint today though, the below two photos on the left are things I left at the store:

    Pretty nice neck pillow, eh?  That’s a mirror and key-chain holder in the middle.  The book, So, You Want to be Canadian is something I will buy though, but it was locked up in the store today.

  • Look What Andy Gave Me

    march 7 2009

    That is an authentic meal from the Canadian military, an IMP, aka a military ration.  I’m so pumped because I’ve always wanted to try one; the people in the books I read are always eating them.  He gave me two actually, the other one is a breakfast theme and it’s in my trunk.  

    If ever I have someone with me in the studio who is fainting from hunger I can now solve that.  The one above I’ve got displayed on my kitchen shelf, like art.  

  • Yesterday I Was 3 feet From This

    march 6 2009

    Andy went out fishing again today, and emailed me this after.

  • The Big Apple

    march 06 2009
    Seen from the 401 not far from Colborne.  I cannot find the website for this bakery, if you know it email me thanks.

    Did you know Canada has more “the biggest XXXXX in the World”‘s in the world?  See them at