
  • Drove 886km in Four Days

    Isn’t it weird how driving really takes it out of you?  Like, technically you’re just sitting there… I don’t want to have to do that often on my trip.  I think I’ll plan around 4 hours/day driving; that seems reasonable.

    And I did it all with the engine light on; don’t tell my warranty company.
    Studio fact – it’s…. American.  See how the spedometer is in miles OH WAIT.  That’s 886 MILES I drove.. kay hang on… I’m converting…

    Correction: I drove 1426km in four days.

  • My Team Came Second!

    april 19 2009

    There’s my team member on the left, holding up his winning cheque ($20) and enjoying being the 2nd best in Ontario.  I like how his arms are the straightest of the three. Congratulations, fellas!

    Today’s race was 54km, 1.5 hours and had an average speed of 37km/h.  See the results here.  It was held at the Calabogie Motorsports Racetrack and that place is nice. Smoothest road I’ve ever walked on.  I am dying to come back and film “Exploring Evasive Driving”.

    There were more members of my team here today than last week and so there was more strategy involved.  I thought everyone just pedaled for themselves as fast as possible but no.  

    A team works together, sometimes drafting each other (one goes in front, others tuck in behind and enjoy a 30% reduction in power needed to pedal; woah eh?) and then during the sprint to the finish they get together and block off other racers so their member can win.

    I got some great footage today but can’t decide if I should combine the two races into one episode or not.  And of course something went awry with my microphone so there’s no audio for some of it.  Of course.

  • Me Today

    april 19 2009

  • Look Who Followed Me Yesterday

    april 19 2009

    Oh snap.  She’s not following everyone, you know.  Probably she saw me at the concert.

  • Back on Summer Tires

    I screw up every year and by not having them switched sooner.  I also forget every year just how much a difference it makes, snow VS normal tires.  It has not changed the speed I corner at, swear.april 18 2009

    Below is a photo taken around this time last year when I was at CBC.  They’d asked me for photos of myself (no Keri, we can’t just use these screen grabs from your movies) so I had to have some taken for my webpage on their site.  They didn’t use the ones below, or really any of the ones I liked; apparently I didn’t look “accessible enough”.  Uh-huh.