
  • About This Show of Mine

    Here’s my new target:

    – Daily blog updates;april 23 2009
    – 5 Tweets a day;
    – At least 2 weekly previews about what I’m filming / editing, and;
    – A new video each week.

    It came about from a conversation I had today.  Will see if I can pull it off, because I meant what I said last week. So maybe you’re like, “then why have this blog and internet show?”. So the episodes will stop playing in my head.

  • My Physical Address

    If ever you want to write to me so I’ll get something other than bills in the mail, please do:

    157 Adelaide Street West
    Suite #352 
    Toronto, Ontario
    M5H 4E7 april 22 2009

    If you would like one, write me and I’ll send you a postcard from my collection: 

    [postcards by Hotzee or Valhalla Cards]

    That thing poking into the picture bottom right is my lottery ticket.  I haven’t taken it in because by not, it keeps the dream alive.  

    I keep in there on my fridge among all those Canada images like somehow the ticket will soak up my trip idea: Winner! Gagnon! Vas-y!

  • This Is The Goal…

    When I can go for a run, come flying down the street, vault this and keep going all in one, fluid motion then I will call myself a traceur.

    This is some type of elaborate door-stopper I’ve been eyeing up for a long while; it’s on Front Street across from CBC.

  • Work Tonight

    Nicole Ritchie launched her jewelry line at Holt Renfrew tonight; they kept the store open, served drinks, people shopped, met Nicole and bought her stuff.  

    I was stationed outside of the bathrooms and had to ensure anyone going in didn’t take with them unpaid merchandise.  So basically it looked like I was eye-raping everyone but I prevented any thefts so yaaaaa.

    Here’s me in a disco ball, and beside that are the gift bags I helped the salesgirls organize (200+ of them).  

    april 21 2009

    You do not even realize how much I want to be sponsored by Holt’s.  Ever since the beginning of the show I’ve wanted that.  Canada’s most giglala department store?  Yes please.  I even have the best tag line I invented.

    At the end of it all I had to clear the washrooms (don’t I sound so spy-like?) and found two ladies inside.  So instead of giving them the boot I joined in on their conversation and we were cackling away.  I maintain that the girl’s bathroom is often the most fun spot in a place. 

  • A Hotel Collection

    Yesterday while on the road I took photo after photo of the kind of hotels I’d stay at if I was on my trip.april 20 2009

    Pretty great, eh?  I’ve always loved these kinda places; character, uniqueness, a little weirdness…

    I also want to balance it all out by staying for extended periods at every Fairmont property, during which time I’ll rest, recuperate and catch up on editing.