
  • Today’s Article – Didn’t Exist

    My column wasn’t in today’s paper.

  • Ep. #16 – Exploring Whistler Village


    It’s like a movie set here at Whistler Village, all shiny and lined up.  I’ve also noted a new theme here at the Games is people photobombing my shots… love it.

    And that I held a Gold medal, O M G.  

  • Today’s Article – Hi from Whistler

    I escaped the city, ending up on an Alberta train yesterday, handed event tickets and given an excellent hat, which I wore all day.  

    It was the last round of women’s biathlon.  It’s how they can lower their heart rate at shooting time that gets me.  Certainly there’s training, but it’s a wild level of concentration.  

    And the size of the ski jump just doesn’t translate to TV.  The athletes wake up and think, yup, I’m doing to hurdle down that at 100km/h”. OMG.

    Vancouver 24 Hours

  • Ep. #15 – Exploring the Alberta Train

    How I was lucky enough to ride Canada’s nicest train, the ‘Alberta Train’ by Rocky Mountaineer, I don’t know, nor how chef’s Brad Smoliak and Steve Buzak put out 5 star meals on a moving vehicle.

    And what a way to see such a landscape, which I’ve never seen; Canada is gorgeous, eh. 

    Thank you sincerely, Alberta Train, for a fantastic experience and being genuinely kind.  And the sick hat.

  • Today’s Article – Brace Yourself, The End is Nigh

    Are you tired of the Olympics yet, Vancouver?  Not gonna lie, between the over-stimulation, lineups and crowds I had a twinge this weekend.

    in preparing to come here I’ve been laser-beam focused, but that’s nothing compared to your last four years.

    The billboards and TV ads, the construction… many of you have told me “the build up has been forever and we just want to get on with it.”

    You know what occurred to me though?  There’s this thing that happens to event planners… when their function finishes they become depressed because the lead-up is fast and intense, then a high during the actual event – and then nothing.  That’s when the blues kick in.  

    So I’m concerned that, as a city,. this might happen.  Hope I’m wrong, but if it does and you need a laugh you can watch me doing something online, that’s guaranteed.

    Vancouver 24 Hours