
  • At the Airport

    You know all the talk about the Vancouver aiport being their busiest day of all time?  Look what I walked into:

    How amazing is that?  That’s 1pm, and probably my fastest checkin ever.   They’d been rehearsing for today and it showed.

    They re-routed all taxis, and where I checked in was actually an empty building, everything you see above was built just for today.  

    And finally got to weigh my backpack – 20 pounds.

  • Today’s Article – Keep the Party Going

    I love how this was known around the wolrd as “The Party Olympics”.

    Simultaneously, we set the record for the most gold medals ever won at a Winter Olympics.  Sums us up pretty well, eh?

    This was our coming out party, Canada!

    It’s important to keep this patriotic momentum going; we’ve been humble for long enough about being the best country in the wold.

    You know those times when you got goosebumps during the Games, or when your eyes welled up?  When you were holding your breath and forgetting to blink while you willed us to victory?

    That feeling, that’s the one that needs to be celebrated and screamed a little louder.  

    I don’t want to leave here.  I want to live in this bubble forever.

    Thank you Vancouver, for showing me the time of my life.

    See you soon.
    I’m so coming back.


    Vancouver 24 Hours

  • Thanks For All the Blog Comments

    I’m sorry I’ve not yet responded, my whole blog is behind, that’s all.  

    I’ve got all the stuff to go on it for each day and will put it up when I get back home next week.  

  • Ep. #18 – Sleeping on Jericho Beach?

    It didn’t turn out to be true, but what a landscape eh?  This is why everyone moves here; few people are born and raised here, that’s a fact.

    It’s a very young city eh, 60 years is considered old here.
  • Today’s Article – Moments

    My fave Vancouver things:

    Everyone gives high-fives.  I don’t know if it’s on account of the Games, but locals too have initiated a flurry of them.  Things can’t be bad if one is being exchanged.

    The city smells of fitness and it rubs off on you.  That would be good for me.  Maybe I’d learn to like fruit here.

    Your transportation system runs on the honour system.  Enough said.

    It would be the furthest place away from where I’ve always lived.  Hitting the big reset button is sometimes good for you.

    Vancouver 24 Hours