
  • From Filming This Afternoon

    june 4 2009

    Where we learn facts from the book, ‘So You Want to Be Canadian‘.

  • Target: This Place

    june 4 2009

    In the foreground is my new favorite drink (since this shift) and in the background is where it comes from… 42 Overlea Blvd. which, when I read that on the side of the bottle, my eyebrows shot right up because I’ve driven by there so many times.  

    See, next week is “I chase after sponsorships for this here show” week, and they’re on my list.  They even have a little form on their website inviting people like me to sell to them, which I think is pretty great.  

    I have a list of approximately 30 companies to send letters to, seeking help through both in-kind and cash.  If you have any any advice or thoughts please leave a comment below because basically, I’m winging it.

  • Checked My Other Mailbox, Nothing

    june 4 2009

    That’s my mailbox there at the top.  See how it’s right next to the floor?  That’s because I got one of (if not the) last ones in downtown Toronto months ago.  If ever you would like to write me, please do here.

    An aside: those shots are stills from my Flip; sometimes I find it easier to plop it down and document like that. 

    Aside two: as I linked up ‘Flip’ above I discovered you can customize your camera with whatever you want, so I squandered some time doing that:

  • This Might Be My New Thing

    june 4 2009

    Tried this last night; it’s wheatgrass from Booster Juice – Canada’s largest juice and smoothie bar.  They cut growing grass, shove it into that machine and you drink what gets squished out.  

    I wouldn’t say the taste is delicious BUT see what a little bit of it is equivalent to?  Goodbye stupid salads!

  • Look What Came in the Mail* Today

    What a great gift eh!  It’s from the same guy who sent me this.  Thanks little man, a LOT.  

    It’s a pirate-robot-ninja and I wore it to a parkour meet tonight, one that I could not get into. Instead I kicked around and did some filming on behalf of someone who’s making a demo-reel to audition for a commercial that needs parkour people.  

    If you’re interested let me know and I’ll find out the details for you; act fast though, apparently half the city is applying and the deadline is soon.

    * as I typed that I realized I need to check my other mailbox; there might be a gross of both gum and vaseline waiting for me.