
  • That’s Popeye and I

    june 6 2009

    I went to the MMA Expo this afternoon.  It’s in its fourth year and was the first ever consumer show for Mixed Martial Arts.  Seeing as how MMA is illegal in Ontario I don’t understand how they pulled this off, but the International Centre was packed with both exhibitors and attendees.  

    I did have a purpose in going but didn’t achieve it; meh, nothing I can’t do through email. My thinking is I’m gonna need some self-defense skills before I hit the road… as it is right now for sure I’d get one good punch in, but then I’m done.  Not good enough, too limiting, can’t explore potentially crazy places, hooow dull.

  • Me Today

    june 6 2009

  • Got my Hair Cut

    june 6 2009

    Learned today I am never to call my bangs ‘bangs’… they are called ‘fringe’ and that’s that. Top right is Brennen using his psychic skills to move my hair, again.  He’s been doing this for months and it still makes me laugh; sometimes I’m so predictable.

    He is now the sole North American supplier for Rowenta Haircare Products… a high-end German company that’s been in business for 100 years.  Congratulations dude.

    His new studio is looking good too, and since I was last here he’s added rotating monthly art collections:

    On the right there is my favorite, what a happy looking little guy, eh.  The artist is Lynsie Roberts, a Toronto-based photographer.

  • Canada Day Preparations

    june 5 2009

    Purchased today and ready to go for July 1.  As I’ve said before, I have a weakness for this kind of stuff, especially when it comes from a dollar store ($1? All right, I’ll take two).  

    Not sure what I’m gonna do for Canada Day yet (suggestions please)… last year I went to Ottawa and as fun as it was the footage is just a lot of happy but drunk people and lots of high-fives… maybe I’ll include it in my next “What I’ve Been Up To #2” episode.

  • Me Today

    june 5 2009

    On the right is my knee; I have become aMAzing at driving with it… changing lanes, gradual turns and corners…