
  • Take a Look at My New Look

    june 8 2009

    After I chased my hat down Bay Street this afternoon I had the brilliant idea of securing it with my hood and tada! my new look was born.  

    In the photo far right you can play the game, “Spot the Thug”. 

    (yes, I am wearing the same thing I wore yesterday; thugs do that).

  • Check THIS Out

    june 8 2009

    They just came in, finally!

    There’s a race on Sunday at which time I will take possession of my very own jersery and well, probably every photo of me for the following one thousand days will be me in it.

  • Another Day, Another Editing Cheque

    june 8 2009

    International readers: please note the Canadian spelling of ‘cheque’, and our spelling characteristics here.

  • Me Today

    june 7 2009

  • Some Dogs Got Married Today

    june 7 2009

    There’s the happy couple, top left.  I’m being serious, eh.  Woofstock, North America’s largest dog festival is next weekend (150 000+ people will attend) and to kick it off the King Edward Hotel hosted a “Doggie Weddings High Tea” where dogs, well, got married.  

    Top right is the food they were served (organic, all people-grade, yaaa) and bottom far right is a bed nestled in an elaborate brass cart that they were wheeled around in.

    Confetti is still falling out of my hair.  When I got on my bike after it filled my wake.