
  • Meet Some of My Cycling Team

    july 27 2009
    My team is soooo cute!  Left to right that’s Mitch and Mike.  Because to be on my team your name has to start with ‘M’.  What?  Noooo.  Mitch did excellent today, Mike’s registration got screwed up so he got screwed over.  This happened to a lot of people and the organizers blamed all the participants instead of owning up to a crap website.  

    I’ve announced to the guys, and now you, that next year they’re gonna ride solely for me, ‘The Canadian Explorer Flyers’; the jerseys will have my logo all giant on their chest and my scrappy printing everywhere else.  I will have team parties and training days and rule with my little iron fist.  Actually, I have no clue how I’m going to afford to sponsor a whole team by myself but meh, I’ve got a year to figure that out.

    Mitch is the one who gave me this idea, thanks dude I’m on it.  As well as the finishing up the episode “Exploring Cycling” where I go to three races around Southern Ontario.  It’s almost done, and I’m certain you’ll be inspired to get out and ride when you see me in my… winter coat.  OMG I know, this filming-to-upload time of mine is deplorable. 

  • A Cycling Race in Burlington

    july 26 2009

    It rained SO hard all day.  The top two photos are 5 of us squished underneath a one umbrella where we stayed like that for half an hour while they delayed the race start over and over.  It was some of the heaviest rain I’ve ever seen.  And that’s my new friend Keith there in yellow who kills me and who I’d like to have on my team next year.

    I did have my camera to film but no way was I bringing it out in the rain.  You have to be sensible about these things, much like my choice of footwear for today WHAT was I thinking?  I wasn’t thinking; woke up and ran out the door and that’s what ended up on my feet dummmb.

    @Astroboy, fellow cycling enthusiast, and I were so close to meeting; we’ve been trying for months and keep missing one another.  Oh and you know how I said Brampton is a rich city?  I was wrong, it’s Burlington I confused it with.  Look, there are thousands of houses like that here:

    That’s a small one.  I can’t find proof online to link up, but it’s a good source so I’ll say it: apparently more millionaires live here than almost anywhere else in Canada.  And driving around today that is very believable.

    They’ve got some great stuff going on here, like the Canada’s Largest Ribfest , one of three magnetic hills in Ontario (oh we’re so doing that) and the Royal Botanical Gardens (which I thought was in Hamilton but found when I got lost en route to the race).  Their sister city is Myrtle Beach.  I wonder what my sister city would be.

    PS – Rannie your bench just has to be here in this bedroom community – haha, inside joke

    PPS – Above right is my signature driving move

  • Race Day Me

    july 26 2009

  • Things from Today

    Some days I look like this:july 25 2009

    It used to be just a hat, but on account of today’s freezingness plus my recent new-look epiphany, this is Me Today.

    Ran my errands, and in the past I would have driven through that flooded parking lot with relish, but since Jay’s and my adventure I’ve stopped.  Then I picked up some dinner and below right is my view as I ate in my car, that’s Cherry Beach.  I go there often.

    Went to a BBQ, threw a ball around, got an editing job lead.  Give me something to throw and I’m happy for hours.  I don’t like to show up empty handed so I brought the host some orange gerber daisies, which he looked kinda confused to receive after he said, “Oh Keri hey, it’s you, didn’t recognize you there”.

    [note: as I linked up Cherry Beach above, I learned about the “Cherry Beach Express” and wtf, really?  Maybe.]

  • A Little Crafting Was Done

    Remember I said I had photos printed?  It was these:

    july 24 2009
    And by crafting I mean I hacked away the sides with an old Swiss Army knife.  These are both for gifts, I’m not one to have photos in my place, like none.