The latest episode is live and I’m outta here for a week. august 1 2009
I need a break and can’t believe I’m admitting this aloud. I knew it was getting bad when the race sequence took waaay too long to edit, when I started being unable to make simple decisions in life, and when you, friends and some strangers were saying over the last couple weeks, “ahhh Keri? Taking on too much? When’s it Keri time?”.
I thought I was hiding it better, but it seems I’m often the last to notice. It’s like how I went my entire life thinking I had excellent control of my face until I started editing two years ago and realized that’s only true on opposite day.
So for the next week I’ll Twitter sometimes (I don’t think I could not) and when I’m back I’ll let you know what I explored and got up to. I’m going to try not to work but am bringing my laptop with me. I’m going to visit friends, actually let the sun touch me, read, I want to dive in a lake, ride my bike, that’s as far as I’ve got. Maybe I’ll put my bike in my backseat and just drive north. I’ll still check my email but not with regularity. It’ll be my first time doing this since I launched this blog.
I wanna defrag my internal hard drive.
After I throw up a blog post (like how I worded that?) and hit ‘publish’ I never see it again… so how’s this for timing: you know how I’m The Canadian Ambassador for Wend Magazine? Well I’m very very behind, and yesterday got 1/3 of the way caught up and you know what that’s making me have to do? Review the last three months of my life through this blog, and take stock.
Hey this post has kinda become a mini-manifesto. I’m overdue for ‘Version Two’ of that episode, and a new Intro for the start of ‘Season Two’. And the reason I haven’t disseminated my “Platimun, Gold and Silver Advertising Program” because OMG, imagine adding being-accountable-monetarily-to-others to my plate, that’d be pure carnage.
And then I have my ‘Blog Party‘ to throw to toast it all, and you’re invited.