Because I had to move so quickly last year a ton of my stuff I just shoved into a friend’s basement. But I recently heard through the grapvevine that she’d had enough, and was taking people down there and giving away my stuff. So today was spent cleaning and Goodwilling.

I’ve always loved hats.

Also have always loved big black boots. On the left were my winter ones for years, so Napolean-ish eh. Stomped around in the ones in the middle forever, they were not Goodwilled. And on the right is a skirt I wore almost out.. got it at Value Village in high school (some of my best stuff has come from there), and now it’s back from whence it came.

Okay HOW did I accumulate so much stuff? I’m not a shopper nor a collector, I don’t get how this happens. I had to borrow my friend’s van and make two trips in it to finish this job. And make a sustenance stop.

Clockwise from top left:
– a painting of Rosslyn Chapel, and that guy there is probably a member of the Knights Templar
– neat record eh? A million years ago I dabbled in DJing, and while I would’ve never spun Rotterdam (I liked dirty house) I thought that thing was beautiful. I wasn’t any good, but if I had to walk up to two 1200s and play something I could, meh
– my favourite keyboard ever. No particular reason, just felt right to type as they sometimes do
– that’s my souvenir Ann-Margret t-shirt from a concert Tony and I went to

Photos I found:
– for a girl who’s not that big into hockey I’ve found myself beside the Stanely Cup three times
– this is kinda neat, you know that story I told you about Canada Day in Ottawa years ago? That’s me on that day
– that’s me and my oldest friend circa 10 years ago

Printed things I found:
– you know when you’re in like grade 1 and older kids do projects with you? These older kids had to write a book about us younger ones, and the top photo was the page about my favourite foods; I haven’t changed much
– that’s the title page of my last ever university project. I can’t remember what we were supposed to be doing but I’d talked the professor into letting me do mine on Amway, thesis: proving it’s a cult. Proved it
– that’s my brother cleaning the floor from a book I wrote in grade 6 about him; my computer art skills haven’t evolved much

Clothes I found:
– that was my winter coat for years from Gap Kids
– another Value Village find, a gift from an old friend and one of the only things I regret Goodwilling
– of course I have a belt with bullets on it
– my purse for years