
  • Ep. #23 – What I’m Most Proud Of For Van2010

    Also cool is that we threw the world’s biggest party and never did you see an automatic weapon.  

    Footage is from the afternoon after our big Gold Sunday Hockey Win.

  • What Happened to ‘Weekly Wrap-Up?’

    Realized that I can’t put a finite number on how many episodes it’ll be, it’s going to take longer I’m not sure why I put such date on it in the first place, still kinda feeling weird, going back through everything and I fit a lot into those weeks, eh.  

    Scroll down to the moments in ‘Downtown Vancouver After the Hockey Gold’, what a thing to get to edit.  The ‘Final Day’ episode is really coming together.  

    So anyway, “Olympic Wrap Up Extravaganza” will continue running in it’s daily time slot.

    Coming soon: “Exploring the Biathalon”

  • Ep. #22 – Exploring Pin Collecting

    It was a huge “thing” at the Olympics, it just happened. I didn’t collect any, and was given two. 

    Mail your SASE here.

  • I’ve Been Learning About the Leafs

    – the Leafs play at the ACC
    – they’re in second last place with half the points no wonder all the booing
    – their fan base is exceedingly loyal 
    – they’re owned by the Teachers Pension Fund
    – correct stuff I’ve got wrong

    – I may have been spoiled by being introduced to the game at the Olympic level.

    Breanna’s been teaching me, too:

    Hey Leafs PR people, can we come to a game and make “Exploring Hockey Rules” please?