
  • Today’s Haircut

    september 1 2009

    Thank you BD Studios!  

    I am loving my new bangs from Rose.  Neither of us have heard back regarding the Olympic Torch thing we entered, but she predicts by the end of the month we will.  

    Every time I post about my haircut I think of that viral video, ‘My New Haircut‘.  My brother and I went nuts for it… “not now chief, I’m in the zone”, haha.

    Note: as I linked that up I saw the video now has Official Merchandise, aka my brother’s Xmas ’09 gift.

  • Downtown and Need to Get Online?

    Do like I did 500 times before I got my Blackberry.  Sometimes, like today, I still do.

    Here on the lower level of the ‘Bank of Montreal‘ is a setup like, “come talk to us about investing your money here”, and there’s 6 computers, all online unrestricted access.

    september 1 2009

    No one will talk to you, look twice at you even if you sit there for a long time, like, I’ve written tomes here.

  • Coffee with Martin

    september 1 2009

    Meet Martin Ross, my lawyer… and by lawyer I mean 20+ years-in-law guy who kindly gives me advice and makes me companies (together we founded OOK) in return for coffee.  He’s been with me almost since the beginning back in ’07, and he’s the one in my credits in my latest episode.

    He comes down from his office up there on the left and shakes his head at the undertaking of making money online (he’s awesomely old-school), and I tell him stories about my progress and setbacks.  Today I practiced my sponsor pitch on him and got caught a couple times; need to hone my rebuttals.  

    Hey dude, thank you!

  • CAA to the Rescue, Again

    august 31 2009

    Meet Robert, my CAA guy who came and replaced my battery with a new one right out of his truck.  So that didn’t count as one of the four service calls you get for free with your membership.  

    Learned that the alternator’s only function is to charge the battery, which isn’t as heavy as you think it would be, but did surprise me to be filled with liquid (why Robert? Battery acid, Keri).

    He’s a 27-year mechanic who is not interested in being mine, because I asked.  And get this – one time he fixed a guy’s carburetor with a cereal box, and it worked for three years.