september 4 2009
Me Today
Screenshots from Editing
Here’s some neat things that might not make, “Exploring Diamonds”:
september 3 2009
Top left is that very sensitive scale I told you about yesterday, and top right is called a “rifka” – a 2-ply piece of paper folded in a special way that you carry your diamonds around in. Big stones get their own rifka and little stones get grouped together in one.
I find it funny that’s how a diamond gets carted all over the world… until the consumer gets it, houses it in a special box that’s often velvet-lined, and maybe has a lock.
The painting on the bottom is depicting the diamond industry and I don’t understand all the nuances and allusions, but it’s nice and colourful eh.
And there’s Keith and Al, friends and diamond guys for 25+ years. Hi fellas!
Blog Party Planning Today
september 3 2009
Dwayne and I met where we met and see top right? That’s a book he made dedicated to me and my Blog Party and it says ‘Keri, The Canadian Explorer’ on the cover. So pumped.
And you know how I said he had a surprise for me? It was that he’d already secured the first raffle prize of the night yesssss.
We’re going to do some more investigating into possible venues (I’m still kinda stuck on this one), I have to draw up the guest list (which’ll be basically “Dear Internet, You’re Invited) and the date we’re looking at is *tentatively* November 12. I also gotta get some sort of drink sponsor so at the very least, the first drink is on me.
Bottom right is my ponytail looking the best it has in a while.
Exploring Diamonds
Meet Keith Williams, owner of the largest diamond house in Canada and also, ‘The Official Gemologist of The Canadian Explorer’!
september 2 2009
We ogled stones (below top photo is 30+ carats total weight), I pushed them around with jewelers tweezers (which are more delicate than you think), and shone a UV light on them because 10% of all diamonds will refract back a solid purple.
The scales gemologists use to weigh stones are so sensitive they’re housed in a box you must close the door to because a light breeze will affect the results. Bottom right is a design that’s being shipped to Tiffany’s soon.
Then he took me for dinner to George and we cackled and laughed, agreed ‘Hells Kitchen’ and Gordon Ramsay are fantastic (Keith, I saw him once, click here).
I met Keith at a cycling race weeks back and did you know last year he came ‘3rd in Ontario’ in the Time Trial races? I know, sick.
Thank you Keith, a lot!
NOTE: woah, as I linked up that restaurant I saw the adress is 111 Queen Street, weird, because as I’ve said is my special number. There were many things like that today, love it.NOTE 2:
Learn more about diamonds in this post
Watch another video of us here
Exploring the Waterfall Capital of the World
It’s here in Canada, in and around the Hamilton area and there’s 125+ of them. Click here for a great site dedicated to them all.
september 2 2009
That’s Chris and Steve, an adorable couple who took me out (pseudo-studio!) to see seven of them. Turns out it’s never just a waterfall… there’s cascading, curtain, ribbon, many different types. Chris was so helpful on this exploration by researching and planning the trip, which is why I tweeted this. Oh, how I know Chris is she made me my tooth, click here.
Chris also made us a picnic lunch which we ate at The Hermitage , a heritage building in Ancaster which is rumoured to be haunted. Then out of nowhere I got very very cold, yanked down my sleeves and curled up into myself:
Steve: Cold?
Me: All of a sudden very
Chris: I know me too
Me: Maybe it’s the ghost, they say when the temperature drops rapidly like that there’s a ghost present
Steve: Well we have been talking about him all day
Us: [heads turn in unison toward the gatehouse he lives in]Three words became the theme of the day: hermitage, giglala (definition: very fancy) and interloper *. And I didn’t know until well into the exploration that they’d never seen even one of my episodes… thanks for the trust guys, your time and the laughs.
* Google trick: search for ‘define: xxxxxxx’ and get back a page of definitions from various sources