Blog Party Planning Today

september 3 2009

Dwayne and I met where we met and see top right?  That’s a book he made dedicated to me and my Blog Party and it says ‘Keri, The Canadian Explorer’ on the cover.  So pumped. 

And you know how I said he had a surprise for me?  It was that he’d already secured the first raffle prize of the night yesssss.

We’re going to do some more investigating into possible venues (I’m still kinda stuck on this one), I have to draw up the guest list (which’ll be basically “Dear Internet, You’re Invited) and the date we’re looking at is *tentatively* November 12.  I also gotta get some sort of drink sponsor so at the very least, the first drink is on me.  

Bottom right is my ponytail looking the best it has in a while.