Met With

Their HQ is in San Francisco but they shipped out someone to Toronto to host a little meet-and-greet and invited people they would like to make videos for them.october 20 2007

I’ve never been in a room filled with film-makers before.  I still forget I’m one.  I was by far the un-coolest person there.  

From what I learned Current wouldn’t take on a full series like mine, instead they’d just do it on a one video by one video basis.  We’ll call this a good backup plan.

Exploring Canada’s Portrait Competition

Tonight I attended the gala opening of the Canadian Portrait Prize competition.  The 35+ entries were displayed at the Gananoque Firehouse Theatre and are there unti the end of the month.  What a portrait is defined as really surprised me… so varied.

Above is a screenshot from just before going in, asking the universe to get people to sign my release forms.  No go, no one would talk to me.october 4 2007