About the New Andy McNab Book

june 9 2009

He’s been in my ‘Top 3 Favourite Authors’ since 1997 but might get kicked out because of this fiasco.  

It’s his latest in the Nick Stone series and 20 pages in it’s obvious it’s been ghost written.  I look forward each year to the latest installation and well, the disenchantment on my face runs deep.
You can just tell; the sentence structure, expressions, rhythm, he’s missing in all of it.  I’m maybe 100 pages in and already have found two chunks of text that’ve been copied and pasted from his other books.  I get that he’s busy and his brand is blowing up, that’s cool, but this is not.

A prediction: you might not yet know him but you will, because I predict his books will be turned into Hollywood movies and the Nick Stone franchise will become as big as the Bourne one.  And get this: he’s sold the movie rights three times to one of his books, brilliant.

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