A Bike Ride with Jody

We did our usual route and we were going so fast into the wind I had to scream to have my stories be heard.  All while this jogger amazingly kept up with us.  Guess I should call him a runner then:  

Me: You can run very fast
Him: You guys are great pace setters
Me: Ya and I feel like you’re getting a good girly-conversation, too
Him: Oh noooo, I’m just running
Me: Sure sure.  Well it’s about to get juicy so you best pick up the pace

august 12 2009

The new throughfare is open, so you can stay along the path instead of going through Ontario Place.  Bottom left are the logos they painted along the way in addition to their slogan, “Welcome to our new Blue Edge”.  I do not get that.  I quite like that fan.

In the middle is me and that giant Inunnguaq along Lakeshore Blvd.  Did you think it was called an Inukshuk?  Ya so did I, till I researched before linking it up.

An Inukshuk is a man-made landmark invented by our Inuit and Arctic people to serve as markers for navigation, points of reference, find food and good hunting here (see one here).  An Inunnguag is similar in structure but looks more like a human, that’s the difference (see one here).

Over 100 Inukshuks are on Baffin Island, the most in one place and therefore a National Historic Site.  It’s also on the Nunavut flag and is one of our mascots for next year’s Olympics.  The biggest one in the world is in Schoemberg, Ontario, see it here.  I’m going to build them everywhere during my big trip. 

That’s my point-of-view of my bike, then my bike’s point-of-view of me, Keri-Moon-Face. Today is the first day I’ve worn shorts in ’09.  

Lastly, as I linked up all the stuff above I see that 90% of the time they’re called ‘Inukshuks’ and not the more correct ‘Inunnguag’ so I’m going to call them the former even if that’s technically wrong because I think it’s better to get your point across than be linguistically correct sometimes.  Holy run-on sentence.

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