January 21 – Live at Five

Back to ‘The Canadian Explorer’ roots today, driving around in the studio.

My airline ticket arrived in my email yesterday!  I’m getting shipped out February 11, back March 1 for the Olympics.  Thank you, Canoe.ca.  

Then we pass Hearn Generating Station whose smokestack is the 2nd tallest object in Toronto.  Click that link to see inside, and click here for the video of the same (fast forward to 0:23).

We visit the Cheltenham Badlands where @Photojunkie (Rannie Turingan) and I went last summer.  There’s a giant version of this in Alberta, and it looks like it does because in the 1930s it was over-farmed. 

Come meet me here on Queen St. West tomorrow between 12:30-1:15pm to say hi to Canada, kay!

Thanks for watching, TTYT.

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8 Responses to January 21 – Live at Five

  1. KH says:

    While you’re at the Lympics, could you give me your thoughts on this article by Laura Robinson, former member of the national cycling team, Canadian Rowing Champion & Ontario Nordic Ski Champion?

    It’s really troubling me.

    That, and the fact that women ski jumpers were shut out of the Olympics, again.

    Seems no one is able to hold the Olympic Committee to any accountability, while they rake in tax free dollars and plunder the cities where they hold their events.

    Not to rain on your parade, but I’m curious – just exactly for whom are the Olympic$?

  2. Old friend says:

    I like the opening theme chant – reminds me of bob and doug!

  3. KeriCDN says:

    Hi KH,

    Kay I just finished reading that article, and woah. Then I re-read your thoughts; a few things:

    – they’re a $4 billion powerhouse… that’d give you almost unlimited power
    – not gonna lie, I’m kinda nervous about them now, especially from paragraph 2
    – Laura is brave to write that
    – I had no idea the women’s ski jump was cancelled, I think that’s retarded, and will see what I can find out about that out there
    – 16,000 security personal floored me

    I don’t think you’re raining on my parade, I think you bring up a good point. All my coverage can’t or should be rose coloured, you know? That’d be biased of me. In that vein I put in my Sun Media pitch to talk to one of the protest groups, "Bread, not Circus’".

    I can see from the IOCs side a bit too, how they’d want to protect their giant brand, how there’s things that go on I’ve no clue about (like, worldwide political implications of choosing the city where the games will be). But really, I don’t know.

    Thanks KH.

  4. KeriCDN says:

    ‘Bob and Doug’ are so classic Canadian eh ‘Old Friend’? So ya nice compliment :)

  5. KH says:

    Thanks for taking the time to read Laura’s article and responding!

    Indeed, one reporting the truth has to be brave, even in Canada, who’d a thunk.

    Allow me to lead you to the Women ski jumpers denied, again [true/slant] article.

    More – Supreme Court spurns women ski jumpers [cbc].

    Rather ‘unsportsmanlike’ of them, if I want to be nice about it. Their pat answer ‘according to rules in place at the time, the sport was not developed enough’ sounds like weak sauce. They have bags of money [they’d rather spend on lawyers] and their actions rather not altruistic nor reflective of the spirit of competition.

    May you run into Laura Robinson at the Lympics.

  6. KeriCDN says:

    Hey again KH,

    No problem, and I’ll be sure to check out those links, thanks eh.

    Question for you… how come you never spell "Olympics" with the "O"?

  7. KH says:

    It’s a play on words of sorts. My opinion of what I think comprises the IOC.

    limp dicks.


  8. KeriCDN says:

    Ahhh KH, got it :)

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