I Forgot How Much I Love The PATH at Night

You know, The PATH – the largest underground shopping complex in the whole world (27km).  

I think I forgot because I always walked outside but now that it’s cold I went back underground.  It was just me everywhere by myself.  Reminds me of this book I was obsessed with as a kid, Secrets of the Shopping Mall

There’s some great stuff to be seen down there:

I’d like to be a Lego sculpture.  

And remember those things on the right, Beanie Babies, and when they took over the world in the 90s?  I still think they’re dumb.

I love the Claw Game so much, and look, I posed it so it looks like I’m winning myself.

Watch me play in the episode, “Exploring the CNE”.

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2 Responses to I Forgot How Much I Love The PATH at Night

  1. Ah, underground mall secrets….reminds me of the good old days when we used to explore the dramatic nether regions of the West Edmonton Mall (former biggest mall in the world) and the network of security devices, trippy transport tunnels and underground squatter grounds….

  2. KeriCDN says:

    Sounds like SO much fun, Toronto Web Design.

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