Exploring Orillia

august 7 2009

En route I passed that building top right… that’s the OPP Headquarters.  Two quick facts – the OPP is one of three provincial police forces (what happens in the other provinces then?) and two, on the cover art for the Beatles Sgt. Pepper album you can see Paul wearing an OPP patch on his arm, click here to see.  Also, Orillia was the first city in North America to institute daylight savings time.

Rode my bike around downtown, found the Orillia Opera House (bottom left) then went back down to the water and that’s me there upon the realization I’m totally effed; there’s no way I’m gonna be able to explore a city in a day.  Like, between all the people / places / things I could easily spend a week here, with two whole days spent searching for the underground tunnels rumoured to be everywhere below the city.  And look for the ghosts in the Opera House.  And and and.  I’d figured a month/province.  

Moreover, I’m trying to promote these places not kick them in the teeth, but looking at it from the city’s citizens perspective it’d be like, “hmph… how can this girl think she can see everything there is to see here in a couple days? How rude”.  And they’d be right.

Then dinner on a patio where the older gentleman I sat next to at the tiki bar wanted to talk about… how much he loves Canada.  We put the world to rights over my club sandwich. He’d been to every province / territory and driven the Arctic ice bridge three times.  So where’s the photo of us?  Didn’t take one, didn’t mention this show, it’s my week off, maybe shoulda sucked it up, didn’t.