july 7 2009
On the left is Flashpoint being filmed yesterday, I happened upon it on my bike. The producer I was speaking with said they’ll have been set up there for 12+ hours today and will shoot about 6 pages of the script, about 6 minutes.
Ugh, I would not want to have to deal with all that equipment, all those people, and they probably shoot in HD which I’ve stated is ewww.
On the right is a protest that has been going on since last year. I know because every few months I make the same mistake… I turn off Lakeshore to go north here and end up on the DVP, and there’s no exits for a long time.
Passed it again today coming off the DVP and I still can’t figure out what they’re protesting, but we’ll go stop in one day soon to see.
you’re adorable
Thanks, Lady!