Me The Other Day

I’d sent this as a Twitpic, and Sean Ward liked it so much he turned it into a fake album cover, niiiiice.

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6 Responses to Me The Other Day

  1. A Friend says:

    You always look great!

  2. Chris says:

    Hey Keri, Hope all is well with you and that everything is getting fixed or has been? Nightmare, right ?!!!!. You should have theme song whilst driving and what better song than riding along in my automobile by chuck berry, a great song and one that suits you.

    I hope you had fun on you fancy dress suit,
    Catch you later

  3. wsblissjr says:

    oh woe is me… not getting my TCE fix… :(

  4. Lucian says:

    So where can I buy the album?

  5. Chris says:

    Where has Keri gone? I hope she is working on something great!

  6. Chris says:

    Happy Canada Day, Keri and to the rest of Canada.

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